In English

In English

Suomen Kuntoutusyrittäjät ry (Finnish Rehabilitation Entrepreneurs) is a professional organization for rehabilitation entrepreneurs in Finland. Its goal is to promote the development and competitiveness of rehabilitation businesses and to improve the quality and availability of rehabilitation services in Finland.

To achieve these goals, Suomen Kuntoutusyrittäjät works to promote the interests of rehabilitation entrepreneurs and to support their professional development. It also strives to improve the operating conditions for rehabilitation businesses and to increase the recognition of rehabilitation as a profession in Finland.

In addition, Suomen Kuntoutusyrittäjät works to promote cooperation and networking among rehabilitation entrepreneurs and to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and best practices within the rehabilitation industry. It also works to raise awareness of the importance of rehabilitation services and to advocate for the needs of people with disabilities or long-term illnesses.

Overall, Suomen Kuntoutusyrittäjät aims to support the growth and success of rehabilitation businesses in Finland and to improve the quality and availability of rehabilitation services for the benefit of all Finns.

What is Complex Medical Rehabilitation

In Finland, complex medical rehabilitation (also known as ”vaativa lääkinnällinen kuntoutus” in Finnish) is typically organized and funded by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution (Kela). Kela is responsible for coordinating and funding rehabilitation services for people with disabilities or long-term illnesses in Finland, and it works with a wide range of service providers, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and other organizations, to provide rehabilitation services.

Complex medical rehabilitation services may be provided in a variety of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, or at home. The specific type and intensity of rehabilitation services that an individual receives will depend on their specific needs and goals.

In general, the goal of complex medical rehabilitation in Finland is to support people with disabilities or long-term illnesses in leading independent, productive, and fulfilling lives by providing them with the necessary support and services. This may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other types of rehabilitation services, as well as support with daily activities and social and vocational rehabilitation.

Overall, the Finnish rehabilitation system is designed to be flexible and tailored to the needs of individuals, and it aims to provide a range of services and support to help people with disabilities or long-term illnesses live full and active lives.

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